pretty events co | Wedding stylist in kent

Pretty Events Co. are experts in providing you with everything you could think of to create the most beautiful wedding reception, from table and chair dressing to sweet buffets and those finishing touches.

Dreaming. Styling. Creating

The Pretty Events Co. provides wedding and event décor for all styles and budgets. They pride themselves on providing a personal, detailed service right from your very first point of contact.

From centrepieces, to sweet tables and even bespoke creations, this wedding stylist in Kent is sure to have something to give your day the special attention it deserves.

Add the 'wow' factor by hiring some props, such as a stunning backdrop, a vintage style candelabra, a display unit, a chalkboard, table setting, or a post box.

One thing over the years we at The Kent Wedding Centre have learnt is how much attention guests pay to those extra details that our clients put into their day. Whether its place names made by the children or a unique item that many hours of tears and laughter went into sourcing, our clients always have that something that stands out as what defines their journey together. Pretty Events Co. are experts in sourcing and putting all of these little touches together, just right for you.

Book Pretty Events Co. the wedding stylist for your big day

Please feel free to contact Pretty Events Co. for a complimentary consultation in which they will discuss with you all the details involved in creating an event that reflects both personalities and incorporates your love story.


Pretty Events Co.


Facebook: theprettyeventsco